These works were composed in the period 1975-1986, when Karl Aage Rasmussen’s ensemble The Elsinore Players was particularly active, with numerous concerts, world premieres, musicodramatic productions and tours to countries all over the world. These are crucial, watershed works in the composer’s oeuvre, several of them with classic status in Danish and international contemporary music. Rasmussen’s works trace links between intense nostalgia and the spirit of play in a sometimes almost circus-like expressive idiom. The composer himself conducts, and has also been responsible for the production of these unique recordings.
Italian Concerto, Pianissimo Furioso, Berio Mask
A Ballad of Game and Dream
The Elsinore Players
For soprano and baritone voices with flute, violin, clarinet, vibraphone and piano
The Elsinore Players
Soloists Bodil Gümoes and
Fugue (soloists: Erik Kaltoft, Søren Bagger and Frans Hansen)
Love is in the World (soloist Bodil Gümoes with members of TheElsinore Players
Strain (soloist Erik Kaltoft)
Lonesome (soloist Erling Møldrup)